The Lion in the Sun (30 min)

Sun Salutation Tutorial


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This 30-minute session honors the specific astrological event of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate portal. As we know, the zodiac sign of Leo is represented by the Lion and ruled by the Sun. Today we are breaking down and building up the foundational yoga asana sequence of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). We will also connect this fixed fiery sign’s ruling star by its corresponding chakra, Manipura that physically resides in the solar (sun) plexus, and Leo’s corresponding chakra, Anahata that physically resides in the heart. We will work on and through these Prana, Chi, Aṣè (life-force energy centers) with each component of Sun Salutation individually, e.g., Palakhasana (Plank Pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Angyanasana (Low Lunge), using a folding chair, bricks/blocks, and/or just the sticky mat for support and stability. As within, so without, as above, so below, we at once reflect and respond to the heavenly bodies in and through our Earthly ones. Leo Season is a perfect opportunity to salute the sun and embody our light, warmth, joy, and power.

This is an All Levels class.

Your Teacher

Shani (“Dr. OM”) Ojukwu Mantenso (Clarksville, TN)
Shani (“Dr. OM”) Ojukwu Mantenso (Clarksville, TN)

Shani (“Dr. OM”) Ojukwu Mantenso is the Principal Movement Specialist with Hadiya Movement Systems, a private virtual movement studio. A gymnast, dancer, and Ph.D. in Performance Studies, Shani is also a yoga teacher-healer trained and certified in trauma-sensitive MindBody Centering Yoga. Along with other movement forms like Pilates, barre/basic ballet, functional calisthenics, and tumbling fundamentals she offers through HMS, Shani is privileged to provide spirit-based and trauma-informed asana as an adjunctive therapy and mode of somatic centering, cultivation, and joy. Herself on a healing journey from depression, domestic abuse, complex PTSD, and global white supremacy/racial capitalism, Shani is a proud and self-proclaimed “wounded healer.” Through her intentional observance of the eight limbs of yoga, Shani Ojukwu Mantenso has dedicated her personal and professional life to creating the optimal conditions of possibility for freedom for herself and others—mind, body, and spirit.